@Aoneon when can you hop on ts for an interview?
@Teekie are you still interested in joining? when can you hop on TS for an interview?
hello and thank you for applying. I have pm'd your our TS information. when will you be available for an interview?
its very fun with a squad, even though there was only 1 mission in the beta it was still fun doing it over multiple times in hard difficulty with...
@Aoneon thanks for applying, i have pm'd you our TS info please hop on for an interview. look for myself or a staff member for an interview
@ConcuBEN since you're already a memeber of xoo please join BDO user group. http://www.xoohq.com/account/join-user-groups
application approved @arcanmene @Nekochan
so us pc players gonna squad up tomorrow for DZ pvp action right? right? [IMG]
ill be on PC
hi @Nekochan thanks for applying, ill pm the TS info to you. when will you be available for an interview?
0_o oohh imma have a look.....
Hello @Teekie thank you for applying. I have pm'd you our TS information, when do you think you can hop on for an interview?
@Kryostasys welcome back, since you're already in XoO you just need to join the user group. http://www.xoohq.com/account/join-user-groups
@arcanmene this application is approved
@Maria sure im available now please hop on TS
Hello @Maria and thank you for applying. I have PM'd you our TS information. When will you have time to hop on TS for an interview?
always thought Kyoji was fair game...oh well. got it updated this morning hopefully I can get off work on time at 5 today will stream as well...
I feel ya, majority of my friends/fam are console players and they are evenly split between ps4 and xbox, and very few on PC's. there was a time...
mmmm smexy now im just torn on what platform to pick this up on
@Batcat have not heard back from you...we will need to deny your application for now. should you still be interested in joining please submit...