She likes to touch my goose
I joined last night with my character Daenerys Stormborn@ladyelif. Joras also plays but he is not guilded yet, he is Kes@xkes. We came from...
If anyone has anymore of these beta keys laying around, could you PM me with one? Thanks!
VVV gaming sounds familiar. Joras and I played RIFT, we were Guardians in some guild called Manu Mortis. I think you were Defiant? I remember...
"Added Red Comms, Invited to outfit, Added to performance tracker"
Acceptance Message: Be sure to check out our PS2 forums for more information. Community: PlanetSide 2 Introductions! Stop in and say hello!...
DENIED. Inactive during trial period.
Denied. Inactive during trial period.
DENIED.. Inactive during trial period.
DENIED. Member has not logged on since 6 March 2013. 30 days of Probation period expired. Removed due to inactivity.
Accepted: Be sure to check out our PS2 forums for more information. Community: PlanetSide 2 Introductions! Stop in and say hello! Planetside 2...
Added Red Comms, Invited to outfit, Added to performance tracker
DENIED. Removed for inactivity during Trial Period.
DENIED. Removed for inactivity during trial period.
Accepted: The next time you login, ask to have your ingame status updated to Member. Your RED COMMS should be removed on TS and your yellow...