How old are you?: 35 In-Game Name: Ravnis? Not sure yet. Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Previous Gaming Experience: A lot fo games with...
If that's the case I'll just have whatever they give me then. I only own variants. Hopefully I'll get a 300i at least.
I think they said single seat ships will be in V1. The 325a is still a single seat but I'm not certain if it will be included though. The Super...
The guy is right though. Blizzard would never show anything like that. They would keep it all under wraps for 5 years, then release it and watch...
Very cool. Glad to see we were included in this.
That's what happens when you hire the guy who made the HUD effects for the Iron Man movies. Plus since this is space combat, you radar will...
Glad we are finally getting back to this.
Well if my numbers as a veteran backer now match those of people just getting into the fold then you really only have a few ships to choose from...
Star Citizen ApplicationHow old are you? 35 In-Game Name? Rav or Ravnis (Not sure what my name in game is yet) Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a...
Let me know if you choose to do so as I am interested in possibly getting a M50.
Global: Most contributive member of 2013(list up to 10) Q Kyoji Samjiz Eska Favorite leader of 2013(list up to 4) Q imbored Favorite poster of...
Reality is with that level of customization comes the best loadouts. So give it a week to a month and everyone will be wearing the same thing....
The best thing about that teaser was the use of the papyrus font. Really it all looked like a 2004 MMO with great music, of course.
I think it is very close to the tabletop so far, but the list of mechs thus far seems awfully small. I think it looks like it will be fun, either way.
Yeah i know it's a single person craft. I ended up with that over the 325a because I wanted the base. I was looking at the M50 or the Avenger for...
I picked up the 300i package now and am looking for a more small craft single person ship as well. Any suggestions?
Another game guide from someone playing the KR version of the game. A lot of good info and it showcases many of the facets of the game....
For those of you wanting to toy around with class options and skills. I just spent 3 hours with this thing and still don't know what I want to be....
Looks awesome. Glad you got some PR for it.
Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 34 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at...