Is this the planet that houses the infamous butterfly tech? Delta HR 7907 Del Majoris Biome: magma Threat Level: 4 Coordinates: x -58511829 y...
The XOO server works fine for me.
Imbored and I had a short multiplayer session. It was a blast (despite some technical problems on my side). Love to play more!
I'm on board. Added ya.
A new Roberts Space Industries Letter from the Chairman has an update from Chris Roberts on the status of dogfighting in Star Citizen, RSI's...
GlobalAwards Most contributive member of 2013(list up to 10) Kyoji Q Samjizz Starwind Xayton Obsidn mmglitch Leoben Daibar Favorite...
Division-Specific Awards (Planetside 2) Exemplary (Planetside 2) member of 2013 (list up to 5) imb0r3d Starwind Daibar Obsidn MasterChaif...
For all its faults and missteps in design, PlanetSide 2 was a real surprise as a combined arms game in that it had spectacular air combat with a...
Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 30 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at...