I still get them at work. >< /hijacked someone's thread
WTF Indeed. Hey, think of it this way. They're -ALL- INFINITELY better than maxtor drives. . . I don't think I've seen a good one in a month. . .
You may be interested in this little tidbit Enigma. Recently had to go through wiping a ton of used 1tb - 2tb drives from Hitachi and...
Had Ninja Goddess literally STALKING me in Eternal Battlegrounds tonight. It was like having a thief glued to my ass. <.< Not complaining, mind...
Ragequit on Teamspeak participation rule.
Accepted and on probation.
Reams was helping us and supporting in WvW tonight. Good guy.
Ah. I rolled with ya'll for one of ya'lls tournaments. Scanman didn't do to badly. Good to see an App from him. Interviewed, accepted and on...
Thank you for applying to Xen of Onslaught, quick questions. So psychiatry, exactly how friendly does that make you with people? <.< And. . ....
A light application, but I talked to him and he's a fun guy. Interviewed and Accepted.
Last Tekken was meh imo so I sold it. I do love Soul Caliber games though and have V, I tend to play the shit out of them when they first come...
Did we ever hear back from Argonslayer? He was a good player in Aion.
Interviewed and accepted right before I passed out last night. It's Frozenwarlord's brother btw.
Good guy, accepted and on probation.
I got this one ER, asked him the same question. Seems like a good player, and a smart guy. Also very fitting for our community imo. Accepted and...
Another military recruit on the way in, interviewed and accepted.
Interviewed, seems like a good guy. Accepted and on Probation.
Accepted and on Probation, Working from home to have 70 hours playtime must be nice. <.<
Hey Egli, thanks for applying to XoO. I'll be PMin' you our TS info so you can log on for an interview. That is some insane playtime though, by...
Heya Kioto, thank you for putting in an application. I just have a quick question for you. When did you play with us in Aion? I was an officer...