Is this an MMO? Either way it looks great. Looks like it will be so damn funny. I like how he has Peter Griffin's voice.
Depends what you want...mechanical vs ssd or hybrid drives. Are you going for speed or space?
I love my Beats, I do not use them for gaming...Only music and TV/movies on my droid. Best sounding headphones I've ever heard....
I have the Rat7, actually its my second Rat7 and it is my favorite mouse ever. Originally I upgraded to the Rat7 from a Razer Mamba mouse, and...
Love Game of Thrones, i'm starting the second book this weekend after watching the first episode of the season.
Cool pic FF. Just because the person got away with it does not mean he won't be arrested. If you've ever worked in retail at all you would know... Try those.
Hope they do!
Yeah that is why I'm waiting for the 8 cores to even out. I'm thinking in like 3 months or so would be a good time.
Right now i'm still using the 965 Black Box edition AMD proc, it's not to shabby. By the time I upgrade i'm sure I will go some sort of 8 core...
I want two 590s to do quad SLI SON! Mebe the release of the 600 series will drop the price of 590s? I can hope.
LOL love it.
Yeah they should have had NYC accents instead of Cali accents. That is where they were from. Michael Bay can EAD in Gruune's words.
100% agree Fureddi, I wont be going to see it in the theaters if they change the story that much.
Michonne FTW! Teenage Ninja Alien Turtles???...
Also try another PSU as well. You have pretty much troubleshot everything else. Also make sure all of your connections are secure after all of...
I'm reading through the books right now, love it and love the TV show.