Did you guys get boost or something?
Well now it will only take me 3 years to get a new class instead of 5.... wtf. 9800 tokens.... ive got 1500.....
So far it does! Ive bin playin on and off, brings back some old memories thats for sure. Same play style, much better graphics. Some new classes...
IGN giving away keys if your a member http://www.fileplanet.com/betas/tribes/
off the top of my head.... war, aoc, rift, cod, bf:bc2 and some older ones (hellgate, shadowrun....). beta'd a bunch with XoO too
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Mariusz Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...
RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 24 In-Game Name? Mariusz Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Cleric Why...
I remember watching a trailer for this like a year ago, excited for this one.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/untitledpeoplecanflyproject/video/6262347/bulletstorm-official-trailer Came across this on fileplanet, check...
Yea i saw this not that long ago, looks pretty cool. UT meets custom transformers! Sounds like a good mix.
Its alot of fun dude, just find a local group or gymnastic gym and go try it out. I only just started a few months ago, people are usually pretty...
Wow i just watched the CG trailer for this, i am so hyped for it! I practice parkour myself and have been waiting for a game to match parkour with...
Are you talking about an MMO for 40K? Ive been waiting for that for a looong time. Used to play the table top game with space marines.
Everything MW2 didnt do.... this will definately be my shooter of choice
This game is awesome, love that they added more weapon/set mods. Only pet peeve is that they show you your killer....this is no good when you are...
Im hyped for this for sure, didnt get a chance to play beta last night but will be playing tonight most definately.
This will most likely be my main FPS since MW2 crapped out. Anyone gonna be playing tonight? Im gonna try to, if not tonight then tmr night for sure.