GRATS on the baby ........ let us know when its a good time for an interview
Have u had the interview done?!
when will it b a good day & time for u?! could u just change the answers so it wont be a one liner
What time could u b on TS3 for an interview>?
thumbs up on the app ...... tell ure friends they r more than welcome to apply and join our ranks. Just let us know when will u be on TS3 for an...
Let us know when we could find u on TS3 for the interview.
Lets us know if u got time during the week or weekend .... so we can set up the interview.
Asking for your availability on TS3, to handle ure interview. Just let us know and well take care of it ASAP.
grats guys .... keep it up!
have u been taken care off with an interview!?
Sweet Mount!!!
nice job guys ..... keep at it!
AWESOME GUYS! keep at it
Well just finished with the NEW JL #1 issue ....... total introduction to several of the heroes, it was expected. Liked it. What did u guys...
Welcome back man
GRATS GUYS! ...... keep at it, miss raiding with u guys! hehe
Happy B Day Mr Q!!!
I c u got the Warhammer medal, then u should know Mebard. by any chanse do u member the names of ure CO & XO on WoW and GW?!
ill let the CO & XO know about it ...... ill try to make it tomorrow afternoon, i cant today
has the interview taken place!? would like to be a guest.