What's wrong with the Loach ? I'm very interested in hearing your opinion on the machine.
Guess you're one of the little pussies who gets what he must think by reading what others write in the interwebs. Were the elevator dialogue...
Same here, I like default male shepard best. Though I could envision that one of my three completed ME 1 runs could have used a female version if...
http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/07/27/mass-effect-3-death-to-blonde-shepard/ [IMG] [IMG]
From Dust was created by Eric Chahi. He is the author of the legendary Another World game, which he made entirely by himself (design, program,...
The anime production had to cram the manga material in only 6 OVAs, so I can understand your feeling. The manga itself is great too, up to the...
Yeah, Bastard!! is a classic. Be advised though that, for a lot of fans myself included, the manga story ends with the defeat of Abigail....
For those who don't know Bastard!, here are two videos : An AMV using the footage from OVA episodes vk4aJZ8Mg5U The official trailer for...
3 anime movies are being made. It's a retelling of the events in the TV version. I'd prefer that treatment be given to Bastard!, but it's still...
This movie is a prequel to John Carpenter's The thing (itself being a remake). And it looks like it could be a worthy one. If you remember...
How about we make it ourselves ? Off the top of my head, I can think of these three : Durandal Joyeuse Cortana
Read my disclaimer or the article's.
Yes, I agree Guts' Dragon Slayer should be there.
http://www.toplessrobot.com/2011/07/14_famous_fantasy_swords.php [note : modern Fantasy swords, not Mythical or Historical ones] I kept thinking...
I chose Miranda 7 by myself since I started playing. Then it was chosen by PSO World as official ship/lobby. Watching again some Haibane...
My home was on Miranda-7. The place to absolutely avoid was Oberon.
They are not a bunch of crazies. They are fighting for application of the law and upholding the US constitution. The separation of powers is what...
I'm not going there without a full party. Especially in the ruins.
<<TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese video game developer Sega Corp said on Sunday that information belonging to 1.3 million customers has been stolen...