We are showing Co-Op this weekend
We interviewed them at PAX http://t.co/Wrhb8DM Though we don't have a sign up on our beta page yet they did tell us they were going to give...
We have been streaming and recording the stream from the Friends and Family Beta Also Its over at http://diablo.fragworld.org We will eventually...
There have been cross platform shooters before and they suck for the reasons you guys mentioned. KB/Mouse>Controller See Shadowrun
FULL Article and Announcement Trailer EA and BioWare Unleash New Play4Free Game Warhammer(R) Online: Wrath of Heroes(TM) Sign Up Now for a...
We are doing an event where gamers can hang out in fragworld's teamspeak and play on our 3 servers. We will be streaming live and giving away...
Comes out Tuesday. Dedicated servers, server control, parkour movement, and very team oriented and objective based....
Was it better than skyline?
So we will be posting all the PAX Goodness on http://pax.fragworld.org Just added the SWTOr Community Meet and greet, Community Cantina event and...
Gratz. Now get to work. :D
So many Games...So little time
We just put these up at Fragworld. Its not all inclusive but tried to get the major ones that may make 2011. Link Here Was curious what...
I prefer the Razer Venom lol The new trend in tablets is the dual screen with 1 screen as the virtual keyboard. See Toshiba Libretto and Acer...
Thanks for the review guys. Going to pick this one up. I like scary games.
I think talking about whats curently going on in the MMOs that Xoo is on would be pretty cool and what people are most excited about with the new...
We did a write up on all we know about Brink so far on Fragworld. **Link** They should have some sort of beta before release as this is a new IP.
Careful what you wish for, you may get it ;)
signed up
Firefall is free and made by the creator of tribes late 2011 8DjTS9_DtNc