Anyone else think of the subway from Mirror's Edge in the beginning? suck
Who made the BF3 dogtag? looks ballin
Thank god it's not competitive multiplayer. In terms of co-op I think it could be pretty fun if they pull it off. I especially like how it can...
BEST GAME EVER....the minigame i meant. Those facial expressions were epic
11/11/11 ):
I support this. Awesome idea.
It's named last light, and there's a good amount of info and gameplay out there for it lol
Turn off every effect so you can run it on a laptop like me! (: Also, yes super good game, but definitely needs to be longer with some more choices
Oh good budget, I have a pretty decent one for 1000 that can run Battlefield 3 at minimum, and with 500 you can get an i5 and a much better...
Not quite, it got absolutely terrible reviews :P
This one was actually supposed to come out a long time ago ):
RIP Steve Jobs
I vote TERA for more realistic character models
Loving the term...."water the cat"
You can go to Canada's Computers, my friend built a pretty sweet one using parts from there for 1100
I hope so, I'm perfectly okay with red head, I even prefer it to blonde since I feel like blonde makes her less badass, but god I hate the female... New Fem Shep is the red head. It's not actually that bad. Since the blonde one won round...
The blonde. I just hope I get to change my ME1-ME2 Shep to the new look. All they have to do is add a plastic surgery office! C:
I couldn't help but point our your very generous use of the words "just finished" when the Koran rebellion was over in 800 CE :P Them Turians just...