O WoW players and your dated computers.
I definitely felt that shit. For the oblivious http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/24/us/24quake.html
Episode 9: Cyrax and Sektor
Goddammit Soggy...
Time for butt play.
I would just like to say, I approve of this IGN.
[IMG] WTF happened...
Guys, I am highly disappointed that a movie based on a cartoon involving robots on Earth fighting each other through plot lines that didn't...
Episode 8 is out.
Don't know if it has been posted, but that MK trailer turned into a series, here is episode 1: 6s6UiEuCYXA Up to 7 episodes now.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet) + Video Pretty much sums it up.
You say you theorycraft through Elitistjerks and MMO-champion, but you do not share the same suggested Prime Glyphs as they do. Any particular...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_Cube <--- Thor after credit ending
I did notice your qualm about healing. I am looking for you to fill more of a DPS role, but given that you are one of the four classes that can...
No response, denied.
How willing are you to fill multiple rolls in the raid, ie Healing one fight and DPSing another.
I don't know if Juga was there, but he healed one of my raids and did well.
Unfortunately, you're not quite what we're looking for at this time. Best of luck in your guild search!