Mid September according to GamersGate (here)
At first, this game looked pretty cheesy because of the graphics, which are bright and cartoonish, but then the concept of Tower Defense + RPG...
Definitely something I'd like to see more of but the marketing moves are very odd. Disappearing completely, then showing up displaying everything...
To rephrase the previous question in the sense of a division within a multigaming community-- What game did you play?
If it isn't Miss Kharma! Yep, at least a few of us are still kicking around. Not sure if you remember my mage Blackice, but I played the rogue...
I got some Sennheisers for like $20 at Newegg. They came with different adjustable earpieces, a clip, and all that.....
That first rig was a killer deal if you ask me, just flesh it out.
Dang, can't believe I missed out on that. V-moda has some reputable headphones so they are prolly gonna be sick nasty!
Lol. Nice one. Not following on the why here.. Does that include monitor?
Doesn't the original anime seem wayy better than the retelling though?? And WTF Griffith looks even more femme!! I think, from the trailer, that...
This dude has my unconditional approval for XoO SW:TOR.
5Ghz AMD, Schwwwwweeeeeet.
I, myself use a PCI 2.1 card in a PCI 1.0 (x16) slot in my computer, and can confirm that it still works extremely well.
After rebate this 6770 is $100 with shipping. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131434
I'd have to agree on the point of not knowing how good USB surround is. No actual HD sound equipment ever uses USB except for a few peripheral...
There've been some mixed reviews on this game but it's down to $17 from $49.99 on Steam, so if you're into the Civilization series at all now...
Yep, character creation is enabled.
I'd toss Lilarcor on there, too. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Lilarcor
I was also surprised to not see Dragonslayer. Conan's sword was there though, so props to the guy.