Hahah, punch dudes in the face. I'm glad that stuck.
Android for me, my Droid Incredible is for lack of a better word Incredible haha.
Voted for TOR, Tera and GW2. I'm looking forward to trying all three as they will all be amazing games. I have a feeling that GW2 will be the game...
Mike hawk and Mike hunt are my favorites
Yeah, MMOs have to have time sinks or else people won't keep coming back every month. So if it's not leveling it will be gear.
UHey Nam miss you!
Hey Shyne, how you been man
I'm not sure where I got my name from, or why I abritrarally decided that the 'T' would be silent.
I'd say stick with DvDs and keep the porns off the computer.
Basically if you can put together a lego set you can put together a computer it's pretty easy. just make sure you don't do it on a floor with...
Definitely worth seeing in the theater for special effects alone.
w00t I made Daeva I'm very excited for this game to come to the states. The first 10 levels were fun I can't wait to see what else Aion has in store.
Nope, the guide that No Smoking posted has a patch for the English Language.
I just got into the Chinese open beta last night and played for a few hours up to level 5, no daeva status yet =(. So far I really enjoy this...
<3 =)
Vanu Purple looks awesome
Damn I was wondering why Liz left early the next morning, I thought I was just no good...
The Pittsburgh Steelers' defense