yes, black eyed peas was horrible, football game was boring.....and so was the rivalry game between the bears and this year...
CA screwed up the national anthem, the black eyed peas sucked terribly....slash looked like a drug dealer, and Usher is just a douche with a huge...
hahaha man why don't they just say infinity because they will be "foreseeing" these running out eventually as well and will have yet another huge...
wont be there, working
packers all the way, ill say 31 to 21 packers
gratz guys, good to see the division in good hands, cant wait to play in headstart with ya trying to avoid beta on this one so i don't get...
controls are not hard to learn just that looking and a few movement things are kind of clunky and uninviting.
yes no kidding, who the hell knows when jumpgate will ever release, i played it in beta before they pulled everything and decided to literally...
Yes, sorry Vegeta just to me there are much better potentials on the market that are going to hit in the Sci-Fi genre, Black Prohpecy is what...
you have access to everything pretty much till level don't worry you have plenty to do
problem is the game has such bad network problems that most people jump across the damn screen, Vegeta we all understand how mmofps work its like...
GR, Firefoot....i play on windfola.....damn looks like ill be leaving the Xen of Onslaught guild for another XoO guild hahahaha.
wow, this game is completely and utterly terrible, the controls suck, has HUGE memory leaks everything is just clonky and terrible seriously i...
was on the 360 way before PC
hahaha, no BFR emails and they got flooded with them, hopefully sony doesn't destroy this game.
Turtle Beach X41's I use them for my consoles and did hook them up PC and very good sound quality, little weak in the bass but thats to conserve...
Best party was lightning, fang and hope......seriously that shit was OP but getting ultimate weapons wasn't as fun as it was in previous games...
i beat it but seriously the mouse has to stay on the damn screen to shoot down to launch yourself
yes, but there is so much extra shit that its rediculous, the storyline took a good decent chunk....if you rushed it with a guide you could easily...
just finished XIII wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either doesn't matter though was the most beautiful game ever made.