His influence is spreading ever further to the young' uns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI&NR=1&feature=fvwp
6:30 am on Sunday morning for me....... I'll be there but it wont be pretty.. :D
Hey Minty - Sorry I missed you today - I got something to show you...let me know when you're going to be online next!
Please apply for GW member through your User control panel, so you can see our guild wars threads :)
Jeff, i have no problems with your application, message me in game and we can give you a trial etc. Looks like Nova stepped in on that one.....
Hey - read the GW officers forums, I need your say pls :)
Welcome home :D
Show us a proper pic... did it hurt?!
Happy Birthday :D
Happy Birthday!!! :D
Happy Birthday!
Welcome back to GW :)