Sounds good, we can make a building!
If I had a phone that had internet like that, I would use that. Finding something that can hold 20gb of music can be expensive when your on a...
Holy Shit, jaw dropped.
If your going to watch the anime, better buckle down. I think season 5 just ended? Or was it 4?
Yes Yes, i stopped right before the end of the previous season. I need to remember where I left off and pick it back up, love the anime xD
ZP is always witty and freaking amazing, he talks super fast though. Sometimes I have to replay it a few times to catch everything XD
The day I see one of these in real life, is the day I shit a huge brick.
Being idle is always fun.
My jaw dropped when I saw that dude transform xD
dafont is a really good place, whenever I need a font I usually go there.
It is really unique, has action and lots of comedy plus plenty of adult themes.
That is so fucking bad ass!!!!1
Wow, good thing you bumped this. I had totally forgotten xD
I have had one or two lockups at starting up a save file, but I can always play them. Have you tried opening it from the auto-save? Might of been...
Watched the first few eps of railgun, and it seems kind of monotonous. Not really catching my attention.
Lol, not saying you should not watch it. Just giving you a heads up. It can be very over the top as well xD
Ok, this is starting to get annoying. I made a huge map with a bunch of computers and every now and then the game CRASHES during the computers...
Nothing beats FLCL, it is my favorite anime of all time.
Epic anime is EPIC!
Every now and that it would be the fastest but half the time it would be around the others are really slow ._________.