Accepted Used to play with XoO members in RFO, hence accepting @ lvl 42
Hey mate, nice application, /w spud or nula in game, and we will arrange to get you into ts3 for an interview.
ok moved you to here, let us know when your @ level : DD
good to have you On board stealthdeamon.
ACCEPTED welcome to XoO
Welcome to guild man : )
My Sister, and farther fequently call me Spud. so i am used to being it called already.
Mine took 2mins, Just cheat it is easier!
yay, nice one pops. we will be killing people for fun and getting away with it in no time.
Yo man, you get the 22nd sorted off of work yet then, welcome to XoO from a fellow new kid.
thanks ice, and Eskara for accept. we will be smashing Elyos (hopefully) to peices in no time.
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 23 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Spud 3. Location + Timezone: uk 4. Class: Chanter 5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent...