I wish I had a smartphone too =( too poor for it right now .. my dad pays is paying for my cell right now.. just a normal cell phone.. no...
this^ I think its fine how it is now in game. it's consensual.. if I want you to see my name.. I can allow it.. if not... then you won't =P When...
I knew I wouldnt win when I started seeing people post at around 4 am last night lol.. im like nooo! I will be sleeping when the time comes!...
if it rocks I might =) if it sucks I wont XD
Anyone notice the post number inside the thread is off by one post? this post looks like 481, but its 480 on the index what display number wins?...
um.......... end? ........ like ..........now? k?
I used to pwn face in the walkers I LOVED IT
hmm... I would have rather had them rehash and do Bad Company 2: 2142 =D
ching chang walla walla bing bang
this made me lawl http://kotaku.com/5575110/play-world-of-warcraft-with-your-feet
wow.. yep.. like you said.. mw2 rip. I'm still really glad I didn't buy mw2.. had a chance to play for free on steam for a bit. it was OK.. but no...
I no kid!
I just got a code in my email... didnt realize i had signed up for it lol. I will DL it tonight if you guys play tomorrow
thx guys yeah its not software related = /
300 would be good IMHO XD edit: fack.... I think I just DQ'ed myself =( WAIT! I'm fine! lol
this says it all CMNry4PE93Y
So I have this idea... and I have not a clue where to even begin with it. What little I read about.. I need a patent.. maybe even a prototype?...
I bet the closer to the number the slower the post count =P people holding out and waiting