When i try going to the links i get. "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user...
I forgot the server for war but the legion was a guild one from wow a few of us went to go try it and we didnt like it after awhile the name was...
Sadly i cant see my posts yet so im unable to edit my first post :P But FFXIV isnt on your poll same with Rift. To add to my first post...
SW:TOR because Im a Star wars fan and I know SWG is nothing like Tor will be it still the best mmo to me even after they took out my TKM Tera...
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 24 2. In-Game Name: ofock/gisborne/ophock (if i can get one of these) 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?:I do...