RvB is too epic for words, cant wait for the new series. Havnt seen any of Monty's stuff thoougghh.
This thread has totally changed my opinion towards Space Marines :x
All you guys saying PvP sucked in this game... Any of you play PvP in the BETA? It fricking RULED! Massive castle siegies and amazing teamwork in...
FPS EVE, niiicceeee. Signed up years ago, its gonna be great.
Played Savage 1 a lot, BETA'd Savage 2, mailken is a bit of a whiny bitch. Dont really wana go back to it, I still lurk round the old sav2 boards...
This has been in the works for awhile I think, heard about it yonks ago.
But i've found its very easy to kill someone who is armor locking. Just time it right and throw a few 'nades under them
So, peoples thoughts? Only played it for a couple of hours (busy with exams). I'm bloody loving it! The mutliplayer is awesome and I love the new...
So have we got a clan up for HoN? Been playing since closed BETA and I love it. Would be nice to get back into XoO again. Anyone in competitive...
Been watching my housemate play this past few days. Its a wicked game and we're both quite into it, to be honest the moment I saw the baby chocobo...
Signed up as well, looks hawt!
Buy a used shirt and a cheap razor, go to McDonalds for a job interview and take it from there.
Looks like people jacked up on LSD and completely out of it. Thank god it hasnt come to the UK. Bloody nutcases in france.
So how many have acutally preorders? Just dont think i can afford it at the moment and i wont be able to make the ventrilo meeting :(!
MO also has got massive funding and very good sponsers + a DEV team that acutally talks to the community.
Jeeze, prices / preorders out today. Its gonna cost £44 to buy the game! Jeeeeeeeeezeeesus thats a lot for a half done mmo! And then £12 per...
Hmm damn, i think i missed the meeting :|! Was quite hungover last night and passed out quite early haha. Could someone post up the meeting...
That Darkfall meeting in your sig (which i assume is for DarkFall?) could an oldie turn up ;)?
Hi guys, long term GW XoO member! Whats XoO current situation with Darkfall online? Im really intrested in playing it / BETA but at the moment...
Hmm well lets hope GW2 brings back the old community :)! Is there a way to sign up for BETA testing? They will proberly do the thing they did last...