our vent server is currently down :( Will let you know when it is up again!
welcome back to the forums i guess! i will pm you vent details, come onto vent and find someone with a CO, XO, or aion officer tag infront of...
thanks for the application ive pm'd you the vent details please come on during the week and look for an officer so you can have your interview
hope you get better!
nice pics and screenshots :) the vent details are in your inbox please join us when you can for an interview.
the vent details are in your inbox please join us when you can for an interview.
ACCEPTED Check AION EU Section for more info. and welcome to the Onslaught Blood for Blood!
ACCEPTED Vent interview was good nice to have you onboard!
ACCEPTED Welcome to XoO my little swedish friend! please check the forums and read the stikies!
your old and your in guild :P
this is great well done guys!
ACCEPTED Please check Aion EU Section
Hello Silas i shall pm you our vent details, please give a rough estimate of when you'll be able to come on so someone can be around to interview...
ACCEPTED Welcome to XoO!
ACCEPTED Vent interview went well! :) Check Aion EU Section for more info.
that time is fine Falkoni see you then :)
Hey Fiercelink, nice to see your still around and you remember us. I shall pm you vent details, pop on when you can and talk to either Insho,...
nice one eel, im pretty sure you will really enjoy the chanter class aswell seems right up your street.
thanks for the extra effort put into your app falkoni, I'll pm you our vent details just let us know when a good time is for you to come on vent...
hopefully chat to you soon then.