If you mosey on over to the Warhammer section you should find all the answers you need there. And if you look carefully, your server question has...
The major achievement in WoW for me is not so much the 8 million subscribers, but the number of those that had never played an MMO before. The MMO...
There's always been an option in windows sound properties under advanced to output in digital. I always assumed that's what that was for lol.
Just to say thanks for all your help and i went for the HD 3870. And it's so nice to be able to play a game for longer than half an hour without...
Thanks for the offer swifty, but I really need it to play WAR for at least the next year or so until my wife is back at work after maternity...
Ok so i was checking the stock levels of the two cards in prep for going to the prospective store tomorrow and both the nVidia and ATI cards are...
There's no manufacturer details on the site, i'd have to ring them probably. Though they have a chain of brick and mortar stores too, but it's not...
Well i'm finally giving up. After weeks and weeks of testing and driver updates etc, i'm finally proclaiming my graphics card a lost cause. I've...
ya know for some reason i always assumed america had another dictionary, like why would everyone use Oxford's lol. Still we have Collins...
How's this for in-game visual power? And yes that is the in-game model :D [IMG]
Wow, it's like, really indepth lol. I'm not too worried about it all, it's cool but i'm such a forum stalker that it'll matter very little to my...
Just because strong language is 'everyday' talk doesn't make it right. Kids have been swearing like sailors from the age of about 8-10 for years,...
Bleh more rockin drum tracks please! not a huge fan of Weezer tbh :P
I like it now :) When it first changed i was like "OMFG I@M GOING BLIND!!!" Then when I come back everythings all nice and orange and easy to read...
Black and red is so cliche :P If anything we should go for white and <insert colour> A million and one guilds use black in some form. We could...
I wholey support this idea. I probably only know a fraction of our community basically because they're playing games i'm not. A few ideas from my...