Veteran, Male, 36, from Tacoma, WA
Staff Member
Xen of Onslaught XO
It's all good man. See you Thursday hopefully. May 7, 2014
- arcanmene was last seen:
- Jan 5, 2021
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Oct 2, 1988 (Age: 36)
- Location:
- Tacoma, WA
- Occupation:
- Student
- Active XoO Games and IGN:
- FFXIV: ARR, Albion Online, Blade and Soul, Black Desert, Eternal Crusade
- Steam Community Profile:
- Arcanmene Ragnarok
- Playstation Network Community Profile:
- Arcanmene Ragnarok
I have been playing MMOs for roughly 12 or so years on and off with certain ones.
I play all kinds of games, to include RPGs, RTSs, and FPSs.
The MMOs that I've played is FFXI, FFXIV, WoW, Guild Wars, SWOTR, and Aion.
I stopped playing FFXI because it became a job rather than a game. I didn't like the combat system of the original FFXIV so I stopped playing it after about a year or so. I just don't like Guild Wars, and SWOTR became free to play and was way too easy. I've played WoW the longest, but only because there was no MMOs to combat it. FFXIV: ARR has been able to combat WoW, and I believe FFXIV:ARR is the best story driven MMORPG to date.
I discovered XoO after playing phase 3 beta for FFXIV: ARR. I requested to join XoO after I googled LS/FC on Sargatanas Server. XoO was the most appealing group.
Video Games (obviously), Computers, Physical Fitness, etc.
After joining XoO, I became CO of FFXIV after about a year and remain CO for about 2 years. I am now Division Director, and have been for almost a year.
XoO is the only guild I will ever need to join.
See you in-game