Hey I recieved my tags. Sorry I have been on vacation for the last few weeks but I got home last week and saw it. It's really sweet. What address or does this person have paypal so I can send money? I'd also like to know where they got the tags because I'd love to make another one with just Xen on the one side and my nickname Nish on the other. I hope all is well. Please have whoever the person I need to contact have them reach out to me on faceboook or soemthign so Ican get the ball rolling. Naijshua Thomas. I'm the only one!
As long as your still a XoO member sure you can have one. PM me all the info I need to mail one to you.
Hey mate I have been with XoO for about the last 6-7years any chance you might have any of the dogtags left or are they only reserved for PS2 Division! Either way let me know if you could thanks, I woulndnt mind purchasing them I live in Autralia!