Last Activity:
May 10, 2012
Apr 30, 2012
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Murder Mitten (A state shaped like a mitten, and h
IT, Marketing, Account Reporting, Ass Model on Wee


Guest, from Murder Mitten (A state shaped like a mitten, and h

Malpraktis was last seen:
May 10, 2012
    1. Malpraktis
      Congratulations. By clicking on my name, you've found the easter egg/cow level/gem area of the forums.

      You should feel like a six string guitar master of the universe, like Buddy:


      Your rewards, if you choose to accept, are even more random Youtube videos of possibly funny things, depending on your sense of humor:



      I may even update and change these from time to time. Only one way to keep up to date...
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  • About

    Murder Mitten (A state shaped like a mitten, and h
    IT, Marketing, Account Reporting, Ass Model on Wee
    Active XoO Games and IGN:
    TERA: Malpraktis
    I have a good relationship with my mother, and I also maintain nice teeth. After all, dental hygiene is very important to a balanced and healthy lifestyle of late night monster energy-induced bouts of gaming. Don't worry though, I also have a steady diet of more or less eating tasty things coupled with a balanced program of "run on the fukin treadmill until u throw up, wuss!" So like half exercise, half bulimia. You know. Often times people ask, "what are you doing today?" I respond non-nonchalantly with, "many great activities on the slate today, kicking puppies, knocking over mailboxes, pickup competitive frisbee, you know, the usual." (Disclaimer: I do not condone kicking puppies for real, its a joke, but fuk those mailboxes.) I do not have a facebook, I do have twitter and G+.

    Youtube, Ice Luge, Japanese Rock, Pizza, Shadow Boxing, Spontaneous Rave Dancing, Double Dragon Game