I saw this on TV this morning,I thought it was a movie,but no these people are serious. I put my name down for the lottery. http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ planet X,global crust shift from planetary alignment,just a few of the topics they have,building an underground refuge?WOW!check out the anmations for each planet X,earths crust and solar flares aswell.
crazy.like the war of the worlds radio broadcast.they showed the comercial on CNN.. nice website tho.they have volunteer work aswell? not sure what it is,real or not.went thru alot of it. planet X? I didnt know we had our own planet? Planet X and earth are sister planets created from a large collision.its a big story/theory ties in biblical myths aswell,the myan calender. and more. if its a movie I'll watch it,if its a real lottery? See you underground
It's all a promo for the movie 2012. It's got all the movie info at the bottom of the webpages. Sony just is going as realistic as they can to generate hype. CNN runs shows other movie commercials so why not this one? It's a great ad campaign. Got you to look, didn't it? The people on that website are all actors from the movie. You can recognize John Billingsley on the website as Dr. West (which IMDB also has him listed as playing in the movie), as well as the others. The "the world will end in 2012" is some New Age theory founded fairly recently by José Argüelles, who's actually an art historian. There probably are a lot of people in the world who do take that very seriously. However, the world also didn't end in 2000 like it was "supposed" to according to some people (heck, the worlds computers didn't even have a total meltdown like they were supposed to), and the Mayan calendar has ended before a couple of times without the world ending yet. Mayan historians are pretty dismissive of the whole thing--it's just a calendar. I mean, hell, my calendar ends every year on Dec 31st without us blowing up. But the movie could still be a fun thrilling, along the lines of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast as you pointed out. Or, you know, you could go listen to some Yanni, buy some crystals, and get all into José Argüelles theory, too.
ahah,yhea I saw columbia pictures on the bottom of the screen too.I saw it the first time,I thought you gotta be kidding. all those theorys are out there,Art Bell and Goerge Norey from coast to coast 640am will have a field day with this one. mmm planet ({x})- its where the devil lives,lizard basterds!!!lol
I don't think the Mayan Calender has ever ended before. December 21st 2012 is the day it's supposed to end I believe. But that's not a calender which means the end of the world. it's supposedly The only time in millions of years where all the planets in our solar system lform a straight line with each planet before it eclipsing the other. But meh, who knows.
It might be fringe science now,but truth is stranger than fiction. yes dash but the gravitational fields from the galactic allignment is why they got to that date,start of the 5th world in thier eyes.goto the web site they have animations on that too.the core of the planet speeds up then,polar shifts aswell.that cause the Earths crust to split,causing massive earthquakes,at the same time the sun will be at solarmax,alot of solar flares.so is the theory anyway.heres the email I got back from them. look at the animations again: http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ SOHO :Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/ The hiliosphere is shrinking,allowing comets and meteors closer to our galaxy,solarmax means more magnetic fields/sun spots/solar flares happen when the field in the dark spot breaks.the flare is ejected,the more of these that are,the greater the gravitaional pull the sun has to capture metors/comets.and bring them in. REPLY EMAIL: Greetings, As the Communications Director of the Institute for Human Continuity, I'd like to thank you for taking an active role in preparing yourself for 2012. Please note your ticket is only valid for one person. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you encourage your friends and family to register for lottery numbers at TheIHC.com. The IHC has uncovered evidence indicating that the disasters of 2012 are both real and unavoidable. We believe with 94% certainty that exactly four years from today, cataclysmic events will devastate our planet and many who inhabit it. December 21, 2012 cannot be ignored. Though the future is uncertain, there are several things we can and must do to prepare. You have already begun by entering the IHC lottery and visiting our website. In the coming weeks, I will be hosting an online discussion during which I will answer your questions and provide additional knowledge on how you can continue to prepare. You may submit your written questions to me via twitter and email. We will also be accepting video questions and will have more details for you in the coming weeks. I look forward to receiving your questions and working together to ensure that the end is just the beginning. Sincerely, Dr. Sorën Ulfert, PhD Communications Director The Institute for Human Continuity Twitter: sorenulfert
Isn't the Heliosphere still an order of magnitude further away than the former planet Pluto? And do we have enough historical data on the variance of it's distance or other measurements? I'll have to do more reading on the subject, but your talking about the subject stands out by mentioning the heliosphere impacting entry of objects into our galaxy. Is it shrinking in thickness of the heliopause and/or the distance to true interstellar space?
That video is full of awesome. If people don't know who the guy in the video is, he's actually a real astrophysicist...someone who would actually know this stuff. Check him out: http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/profile/bio
seen Tyson before,he's been on CNN.good video.take it or leave it. SoHo does measure heliosphere as Hubble takes new pics of the unvierse. Does the moon effect tide? Does the Sun and the Universe have the same effect? are they magnifed when alligned?...The Moon is alot smaller.mmm watch P2&others.
Lol "it happens every year dipshits!!" Anyway I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was getting pissed (not srsly) because she and her twin brother are turning 21 on December 24th... three days after the end of the world! We all thought it was very funny that these two would never get to see a legal bottle of alcohol P.S. Blainerz if you're reading this you know them
but legal drinking is ftl... it tastes better with it has risk to it and he was on an episode of Stargate Atlantis with Bill Nye... as for Soho's measuring, it's not been tracking it for a long period of time to see the long term effects.