Anyone play eRepublik? I just started playing and I'm looking to add to my friends list, for the epeen of course. Also if you don't play eRepublik but you play a simular game could you let me know. Technically its a stratagy game, but it's not "hands on" enough for me, as a normal citizen I don't have much to do with the stratagy other than follow orders. I enjoy it though, something to kill time while I await some new releases since retireing form Guild Wars (no you can't have my stuff) Heres a link anyway:
Its like trivian, Database entry game that you can do at your school/work etc over the internet, I prefer moving things or pretty colours.
I enjoy flashy things too, I like the idea of ERepublik, but not the way it currently is, it's lacking some things. MAybe I'll try Trivian. And yeah I play from work, not a lot of free time at home these days, plus it's football season now and soon hockey so there goes more freetime. Owainn, you seem to have either forgot you joined, or given up already.