Good day, this application is for Aion Online EU Ariel server. Both myself and my good friend wish to apply to XoO Legion. I understand that you have low priority on your gladiator applications however we wish to apply in hope that a possition may become availible. I will be doing a joint application for both of us as this will keep it somewhat more simple for yourselves and us alike. (We always make sure we are in the same clan, if accepted an account for Orome will also be produced) 1. Age (18+ Requirement): Kazzier - 22 Orome - 22 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Kazzier (Me) Orome 3. Location + Timezone: We both live in England / Wakefield and are real life good friends. 4. Class: Kazzier - Gladiator Orome - Templar 5. Do you have vent and a mic? We are both very well aquanted with vent and have microphones of good quality. 6. Previous gaming experience: Kazzier - The main MMO that i used to play was WoW for 4 years. I have also played Lord of the Rings Online, Ultima Online, Darkfall and many more smaller MMO's. I used to be a Officer in LoKi Clan (A community of gamers with around 500 members at peak) and i was the given the task of running LotR Online as guildmaster. I was a officer in Darkfall, also been a officer on WoW in 2 different well respected clans. For a period of time i was in Defias Brotherhoods best guild and i was rated around 4th best PvE warrior of the server. Orome - I have played WoW from the very beggining and also played all of the MMO's that Kazzier has stated except Ultima Online. I also have experiance as officer in many of the different guilds / clans that we have been in and have a very indepth background into end game content. Raiding and large group teamwork is something we are both very used to and perform well at. 7. Why did you chose XoO: We played the Beta's of Aion Online and have been looking forward to this game for sometime now. In the Beta's we noticed some of your members and they they showed alot of skill, experiance and dedication. We decided to do research into what guild would best be suited to us and our aims. After some concideration XoO stood out as one of the best options. 8. Do you have a referal?: Jesus directed us to your website. (no sadly not) 9. A little bit about yourself: Kazzier Hey there, my name is Jay, 22 year old male and im from England. I have a passion for computers and online gaming as well as physical fitness. I would like to say that my hobbie is to be social online (The perfect excuse for spending too much time on MMO's) and traveling around different countries. I have been looking for a new MMO since WoW lost its wow factor for me and undoubtably Aion Online has me very excited, and the beta just proved this for me. Im also a large Anime/Manga fan and my next trip is.....Japan ! Orome My name is Will and i am 22 years old. I have played mmorpg's now for the last 6 years and am a huge gamer. I used to play WoW from when it started up to around a month ago and the reason for me stopping WoW was mainly due to the fact that blizzard messed up the game and it no longer gives me the enjoyment that it used to. 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Kazzier Far too many, basicly if im not doing anything in particular i am at my computer. So i would avarage a minimum of 25hrs per week and possibly going up to 30/35+. Im a gamer by nature Orome 30+ hours per week, Everyday 3pm onwards. 11. Applied to usergroup? Aion EU Ariel Server.
Hey guys.. the Application looks good. You both have to Join the Aion EU membership group. Go here Could you let us know when you both have some time today to have an interview in Vent ?.. thx
Anytime tonight after 8.30 (Gmt) and we are both availible. So if we say 8.30 is that o.k with you ? If that time is inconvinient, then if you wish, message me your Ventrilo information and we will most probably be online most of the night and we shall be in your "Aion Online Quite Room" getting ready for when you are availble for the interigation. Thank you very much for your kind words of luck ^^ and hope to hear from you soon. Kazzier (P.s - We have both applied to user group now)
Just wait till open beta arrives, it will be a madhouse when XoO rolls out. (at least, I hope so!) And welcome to insanity you two!