we just finished act 1. If I'm on I"ll help you guys catch up, and I'll be on vent in the other games channel.
ill find some trist run games and get supa leveled... Then we can start doing the acts if you guys want.
After you have a session, post your current progress and level in here and I'll edit it into the first post. EDIT: I guessed your info.
I haven't really just finished a session, but I should note where I was up to. Bnet: *Shiriusu2 Character: Summonius Druid, level 14 Act 2 Far Oasis; quests up to cube, no staff of kings yet.
Level 22, Act 3 Kurast Bazaar, have the Tome quest done (and everything preceding) but not Khalim's Brain.
Aluniverskellie level 24 start of act 4. Then I rolled a new toon. Amazon named AluniverZapper. Level 15. Beginning of Act 2.
man. Well, when I get there I will probably need a hand with Diablo... I have some doubts my minions can kill him effectively by themselves. Level 24 Act 4 City of the Damned Hellforge quest
I am up to like 26 or 27 in the middle of act 4. Not sure if minions will be able to take out diablo by themselves at 27. Need to start pumping skeleton mastery.
My skeletons couldn't even get Duriel lol...I kept summoning the golem over and over cause it could take TWO hits instead of one. Anyhoo, give me a yell on vent if you need me to zap Diablo for you.