Its been like 2-3 years since I've played, and am going to start a new character once I reinstall, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining me. I haven't decided if I'm going to start with regular D2 or with the expansion. If you'd be interested, post here (and say if you'd be wanting to start with the expansion or with regular). And I'm saying starting over, because last time I played I was just run through by a high level and didn't get to experience the game fully EDIT: CURRENT LEVELS: Brown (BNet: Brownmccoy) Lishala Assassin, level 16 Act 2, Quest 2 BrownMcCoy Paladin, level 13 Act 2 start TheCox (BNet: Thecox81) Necrocox Necromancer, level 25 Act 3 Aluniver (BNet: Piperider361) Aluniverskellie Necromancer, level 22 Just got the bazaar in act 3 Sirius (BNet: Shiriusu2) Summonius Druid, level 22 Act 3, bazaar
yeah I have it tied/downloaded, I just gotta find it. If I didn't delete it that is. Ladder or no? Hardcore?
I do often play USEast expansion actually... though I have never seemed to manage to make one of these sorts of things work it seems, thanks to the whole on/off thing all the time.
I'm not sure how to do any of that stuff on BNet As I said, I played D2 once, went through the campaign while being run through heh. I don't think anyone's made a ladder though.
im reinstalling on my desktop now, have it installed on my laptop. Account is Brownmccoy, also have an assassin named Lishala (I think), may re-roll, since I played assassin last time I played.
Just logged in an apparently accounts get deleted after 90 days now, so I had to re-create my whole account. Also remember that the default is ladder, so if we're on non-ladder, uncheck the box that says ladder during character creation
I say we go on Ladder, its gonna get rolled over anyways... Ill be on tonight account is *TheCox86 with my toon of course being called TheCox. I always roll Hardcore, but we might want to run softcore for this. Just my 2c
Im game for whatever. currently playing a non ladder assassin but i'll restart when people get on if they want to go ladder. im level 3!
Alright, I'm back in game, just made a paladin named brownmccoy. Shocker. And I think I made ladder... yup I'm pretty sure.
Alright, I shall join in with ... something. That time is something I can do and I think I have a spare character slot or two on my last USEast account... P.S. Account I'll use is *Shiriusu2 (hopefully it's not too much of a pain to spell, sorry ); think I'll roll a summoning druid, since I haven't really taken one of those very far yet.