1. Age (18+ Requirement): 29 2. Name (Forum & IGN):Lailana 3. Location + Timezone:gmt+1 4. Class:Cleric most likely 5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): yes 6. Previous gaming experience: oh dear, started out with D2, went on to Wow where i was in 2 hardcore raiding guilds, am still in one now, but only as a social member due to lack of time. raided molten core and bwl in vanilla wow, BT on tbc, and malygos in wrath, but then had to give up alot of wow time for some IRL issues. 7. Why did you chose XoO: I thought it would be nice to have a good "home" to belong to in AION and future games, and i heard you guys kick ass in pvp. 8. Do you have a referal?: Panacea, known the bugger for 7½ years...i should get a medal for that or a cuddel atleast. 9. A little bit about yourself: ehm ehm...god thats hard. Im a 29 year old (decrepid really) girl from Denmark, i love chatting and being social, i hate loosing in pvp so i dont plan on it im usually a relaxed humorous person and easy to get along with. 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 15 or more. it depends on what RL brings but lets face it..im probably gonna be planted infront of the screen screaming at the oposing faction most of the time. 11. Applied to usergroup? yes in 2 seconds. Thank you for reading my application. P.s, my boyfriend and mate might apply aswell at some point.
You deserve that medal for knowing Pana for so long.. no doubt... He deserves a medal as well tbh.. "Mentally insane" or something.. i mean.. just look at the characters he comes up with in Aion.. people would actually quit just for meeting him in-game.
lol yeah i do. I knew waaaay back in the d2jsp botting days, when the little "thug"s nickname was Elitepwnage. when he used to piss people off just by being his badass self lol ah those were the days.
oh yeah he was all about the pwnage...and being down with his own badass thug self *chuckle* i bet he even wore the baggy pants, and some sort of cap on his head. it always reminded me of the music video to "pretty fly for a white guy" lol
hehe sorry joe, but lets face it , the skeletons were bound to fall out of the closset so are you gonna do me a sig...in pink, and white and purple with some girly flowers or do i need to break out the cattleprod ? *evil smirk*