Just wanted to point out the excellent strats involved when we were outnumbered and outleveled in the defense of our city lead by Denton. After sitting atop the city wall taking a beating from the range of the casters, it was decided to open the front gate. What!? you ask? Thats certain death and giving them access to the city! We have only one 80, a few 70's and some 40's. However, the gate was opened if only for a second allowing only half their raid in. All of us swarmed like sharks to a wounded seal. As the others of their posse could do nothing but sit out front and hear the screams(JK no screams in game, however woulda fit perfectly) of their falling comrades. Once they were devoured, one happened to cloak and split sending us onna interior city hunt. As the inevitable happened, the stamina was depleted and the assasin became a memory. All then collected at the gate and a 2nd rush commensed led by Denton saying over vent to hit the healer (cant remember the name) first. I may have got 1 hit in on her for there was so much pain sent her way. After the final 80 fell they commensed with the tells to Malk or Denton (i forget), claiming "their" victory. I still remember seeing someone type in "You've just been pawned by strats, bitch!" during the interior battle. That was good stuff and im happy to be apart of XoO. Lookin forward to more of that good stuff in the future. =) -Crazy-
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