1. Age (18+ Requirement): 21 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Nightslave 3. Class: Spiritmaster (Will play whatever is needed this one seemed to be most interesting to me) 4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes I do and I have the vent info too. 5. Previous gaming experience: WoW, GW, Hellgate London (lol), AoC, War beta 6. Why did you chose XoO: I joined XoO a while ago back when my friend introduced me to HGL and to the guild. I have since been a member and tried other games with the guild but didn't enjoy them as much (AoC and GW for instance). 7. Do you have a referal?: Anybody who was in the HGL division may remember me. Steelshanks comes to mind and maybe kinetic medic if any of them remember me. 8. A little bit about yourself: I have a year left of college and I work part time too at an engineering firm. I'm a pretty chill guy. I enjoy goin out sometimes with friends to catch a drink or goin to a party at a friend's dorm. I enjoy life pretty much while fitting everything in that I can. 9. Activity Level? (hrs/week): maybe around 30 hrs a week with majority of the time being on weekends. It really depends on my work load that I get in my classes. 10. Apply to usergroup: Already a member do I need to apply to that still?
Thank you for choosing and applying to Xen of Onslaught AION division, When our famous recruiter Koyji comes on he will take a look at your application.
We are in need of spiritmasters, I am sure that soon Kyoji will come look at your app - looks good, if you are already a member I would think you wouldnt need to sign for the new member group, though if I was you I would do it anyways; it never hurts to be sure. Welcome
Nightslave, hey man. Haven't seen you since HG:L. Remember the fun we had with those FFA matches? <3 Also, remember to check this thread. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8386 ACCEPTED
omg the ffa matches... the insect swarm shield of crash... fun times man haha. I'll apply to the usergroup I thought it was a group just for new people to the guild as a whole.
Have to second this.. Cool Name! SM looks like a lot of fun to play. I haven't played one past 17, but enjoyed what I did play - other than the droning noise of the pet. I considered playing SM as my main class, but am concerned with the inability of the pets to fly and how that will affect PVP. --Zy
pets can't fly? omg how sucky is that. Even if it's a pet with wings or a spirit or something, lol. I will have to look that up haha. I only tried it at 10 once, but never went further.
erm it wont since if you stay low enuff it keep following you. And you do know we have some niffty skills.
lol my name i came up with back during my twink days on WoW. I had a 29 rogue named nightslave, human female and she looked like a ho pretty much. Should be self explanitory from there. About the non flying thing... maybe it'll be fixed eventually or we'll see how it plays out. IMO everything can be used as a tactical advantage. When I played a moonkin in WoW I saw trees as an opportunity. Pop trees, go flight form and hover on top of somebody while in a neutral town on a pvp server. This would cause the guards to attack the target my trees are on and I'd stay unharmed. It was very fun but we'll see what kind of fun I can have this time around.
Sounds like you will love SM. I hear the class totally changes once you get fear. I've been grinding in the abyss on the Chinese server (just hit 28!) and watching an SM grind there as well. They never get hit doing PVE stuff. This SM had his pet on one target while he nuked a 2nd. He was very effective. I think the class shows promise - and once you get fear. . . --Zy
if i get a fear spell i'm pretty much set... one thing i do hope they have down is pets giving xp if they solo a mob. That would make grinding a lot easier. Don't suppose you know anything about that do you?