Dash pointed this out to me a few moments ago.... WolfKings at Woot.com These things rock!!! I know at least 6 of us on COD4 use them, or have them...so can ask Commie, Frag, The Cox, Dash, Me, or Spectre how a serious must have these are if you want all your keys right next to your fingers. Dash and I already own a spare so I cant quite get myself to pull the trigger on one...but being able to pick your own color is still tempting anyway here it is... WOOT They also serious hard to find now since been discontinued for sale (prob why woot has them) they use to retail for 39.95 USD
My g15 says your wolfking can suck it. And then if I want all my buttons closer I can hook in my FPS face on my z board. I got my ass covered.
lol anyways nem... They are a good keyboard layout for an fps once you get the hang of it. It feels weird at first, but after you get used to it, GG from there.
Morg has a G15 as well. It sits behind his Wolfking as he plays. The G15 is great with some awesome features. But when it comes down to it, it's a typing keyboard which has a which they've given gaming features. Not for specifically for playing FPS games. I have tried the zboard and it's ok...but I prefer the wolfking for CoD4. If it was an fps game where I had to use the numbers to choose a kit alot, It may not be my preference though but it may be. I'll let you know when I start playing a game like that. Now if it were only backlit......
I use it for my laptop when I need to play some TF2 at Lan parties. It is great. I cant use it on my desktop because no backlight = fail.
I use the G15 for everything and works great, but for FPS-type games its hard to click 5+ on the keyboard to switch weapons/kits like dash said. sounds like an interesting product.
I use my G15 for all purposes except FPS and love it, as do I also love my MX Revolution. But the Wolfking is tits for quick fire apps such as FPS and arena style MMOs. I highly recommend it, especially since it is soooo cheap even before deals.
Hmm, I might have to by one. It might be more comfortable for fps games. Especially since my g11 is so big I have to sit it on top of my desk instead of on the keyboard tray.
I use my 10 dollar circuit city keyboard with randomly over sensitive keys. g15 and wolfking can't touch this!
Ohhh, 1 of those. Nothing is wrong with those. They're pretty good. I was actually going to get one from best Buy when they went on sale, They had 1 left and when I found out they were on sale I rushed there. ...Forgot my wallet ....went home...returned to Best Buy and there were no more. *sniff* The biggest issue I would have with the FANG in retrospect though is that I actually use the Z,X,&C for crouching/proning very often which seem much more accessible on the Wolfking being directly below the movement buttons(as seen below). On the Wolfking the Jump(Space) is big and right there. I also use the 'B' for my primary Grenade and the 'O' as my secondary grenade. Even though the left peak button 'q' is a bit small, It has the FANG beat IMO. I'm still dreaming of one day getting the Ergodex DX1 where you can put the keys anywhere you like. homepage -> http://www.ergodex.com/mainpage.htm
Well, I bought one. +rep for Morg since he found this deal. (except the website won't let me give him more +rep )
I just noticed that the New Wolfking XXtreme is actually backlit. But I was hoping for the letters to be lit-up as well.
Backlights are nice. I've got the keys memorized where I can watch TV and type at the same time (I'm doing that right now). However, if I misplace my hands the backlights help me get them reoriented.