Original Planetside Outfit

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Athar, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Athar

    Athar Guest

    Sup fellas, I'm wondering if there are any old timers around that played the original Planetside. I just happened to get on an alt on WoW and seen a guild recruitment for Xen of Onslaught.

    Got me remembering all the great battles we had. The Galaxy drops on top of the towers were epic. That was the greatest gaming experience I have ever had. After 10 years, I haven't had as much fun playing MMOs as I had with XoO on Planetside.

    I hope someone remembers...
    Rubius likes this.
  2. Good news!

    While we had a successful Planetside 2 division that closed down a bit back, we are getting back into Planetside 2 against starting just a couple days ago. Join us in game and on our teamspeak and have some fun with the old PS2 buddies again, a lot of them are still here :)
  3. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    What he said :) re-installed PS2 and asked Que for an Outfit invite. I'll more than likely only have time to play some Tuesday / Thursday evenings, Friday evening and over the weekend.
  4. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    I have now re-installed. Hope to see more people jumping on!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  5. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    Trying to track down config options to help improve my FPS :( got a very solid ASUS RoG laptop, plays every game I have at ultimate with no issues .. except PS :( seems to be CPU bound which is odd seeing it is an i7 after all *shrug*

    ASUS ROG G751JY-DB72 G-Sync Gaming Laptop
    Intel Core i7 4720HQ (2.60GHz)
    24GB Memory
    1TB HDD
    256GB SSD
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M 4 GB GDDR5
  6. Planetside 2 has always been CPU bound. It was especially bad at launch since the game only used 1 thread for 95% of calculations. There was a major update a year or two ago that improved significantly the performance of PS2 and made the game use a few threads effectively, but it still doesn't really scale past 3-4 threads. So having an i7 does nothing for the game performance over what and i5 would already be. Still, you really need a 3.5GHz + processor to get some good FPS out of the game, a laptop grade CPU wont really cut it.
  7. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    One of these days I'll dig my PC out of the shipping box and getting it going, then again need to find a place to put a PC tower and monitor *lol*. Had to buy the laptop which allows me to play at the dinning table in the evenings after dinner ;)
  8. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    My 3.2GHz is doing fine. I guess it depends on what your fps aim is.
  9. Athar

    Athar Guest

    PS2 is okay. But I'm talking about the original Planetside. Planetside 1. Not 2.

    Is Isurus still around? Heplprz? dash? Pvt? Any of the original PS1 officers?
  10. Athar

    Athar Guest

    Stanfromengineering? Phoenixdog?
  11. Stan is no longer part of XoO. PDog drops by sometimes, but he mostly plays Blizzard games like HotS and WoW. He didn't really like PS2 for some reason.

    I was part of the outfit in PS1, but I joined late in 2006, so you won't remember me :p
  12. Oh wow all the old names. I am glad to say that when Phoenixdog tried PS2 he still could not fly a gal. I was proud to go down in flames with him.

    Dullard likes this.
  13. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Get in the game! Would love to see more XoO members getting active in Planetside!
  14. /lost old account .started a new one. Cause I got mah H1Z1 running now. might hop in to play with people here and there. But damn, I need to work on my potato aim.
    Varitas likes this.
  15. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member