Planetside 2?

Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by Daith97, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Daith97

    Daith97 Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Anyone still play PS2 on the original Vanu side we used to have an Outfit on the Emerald Server?

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    I haven't heard anyone talk about PS2 in a very long time
  3. im playing so many shooters right now, but could be fun
  4. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

  5. Very few of the old crew still play. Those of us that do are in Ghosts of the Revolution now as we merged when the division became unsupported a few years back.

    You can still find me playing either on Eska or R3vs :)
  6. Are you still treating magriders as aircraft?
  7. Of course :) playing a good mix of infantry too now though on R3vs.
  8. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    Does that mean R3vs is your infantry alt? Because according to the ancient stats page, both accounts seem to be filled with magrider kills.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    I may have to redownload this just to kill time. I'm seriously dieing here of retirement.
  10. It was primarily my infantry alt but i've earned enough certs to through into some vehicles as well :) I still do infantry with it but recently have been running vehicle ops so been using the maggie and lightning.

    Would be good to see some of the old faces back if you still fancy playing.
  11. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    Vehicle ops? Something Daybreak added or is that a GoTR thing?

    I don't know if you count these as old faces, but we seem to have a total of 4 in this thread.
    In either case, I'll install the game again, if only to see how well Daybreak's breaking the game.
  12. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    I haven't really played Planetside 2 since 2014, there's been a lot of small changes and the only big thing that was added was the base-building mechanic.

    Surprisingly, I had most issues trying to install the game. My Steam says that the game is already in library (when it isn't) and doesn't allow me to install it. I had to download the launcher manually, only to find that it's buggy and doesn't recognize C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetside 2 as a valid directory. It throws an error saying it can't install into root Program Files. The default path is to C:\Users\... which is unorthodox at best. I managed to solve it by installing to C:\PROGRA~2\Planetside 2. I also had to notice and opt out of the Bing bar, that was injected into the DirectX installer.

    After logging into the game I was bombarded with notifications, one of which told me that MAX Charge got removed and replaced with Emergency Repair. I was refunded for it, but they also silently removed my certs on the Tank Burster and advanced laser sight off Sirius, with neither being refunded.

    I looked through the slightly altered interface and noticed that the dedicated certs page got removed, a prestige system with worthless bonuses was added, Instant Action got renamed to Join Combat, Squad Deploy was removed, crippled squads were added with the label Mentor, a functionally moot world map was added, a restrictive warpgate charging mechanic was added, tedious Basic Training objectives were created, Orders chat's certs got removed and cert costs were changed about. There aren't any things that cost ~200, now everything's normalized to 1000, with a few cheap ones at 500~850.

    Surprisingly, you can get spawned in Koltyr VR when logging in, which is small, gives no rewards for being there and isn't any improvement over the old VR Training area (though that still exists as well). The existence of Koltyr VR is of further annoyance seeing that the infinite loading screen glitch when hopping across continents still exists.

    Most importantly, Magburner now has a seemingly longer cooldown and gets locked until full, if used completely.

    They also seem to have hired Wrel as a developer and I don't know if he's doing his job, because the official stats page is buggier than ever: friends lists are perpetually empty, player online status is shown as offline eternally, outfit lists show that all of their players are online permanently and the leaderboards just say No Data Available.

    That should be most of the things Daybroke. On the upside, character select screen now shows a few semi-random directives, the first loading screen upon logging in has sound, the construction system was added, the ANT is overpowered, implants were fleshed out and no longer consume anything to stay on, knives can now be wielded as a weapon (not that you'd ever really want to), semi-auto snipers can now have anti-sway ballistic computers, squad select screen now grades squad cohesion and squads are now further subdivided into fireteams, though those seem to be buggy like everything else, because it seems that only fireteam leaders should be capable of placing down the squad's beacon, but often anyone in the squad ends up with the privilege.

    Yesterday, I found a few interesting people and we built a base, however we got harassed by a lone BR120 stalker infiltrator. Whenever we left to capture bases, he'd sneak in hack the terminals and nibble away at all the infrastructure. When we'd return, he'd cloak and disappear.
    We tried setting up pain fields and walls, but they didn't do much, other than make sure that we didn't get black-hand-sniped at the terminals.
    One time, when we jumped back in to chase him away, he was using an ANT to mess up the base. The squad leader tried to use a lock-on launcher to get rid of him, but every time he'd use the ANT's cloak to dodge the rocket. I got a scythe to chase him down, but he got lucky enough to find a big tiberium deposit, filled up, cloaked and disappeared.
    Later on, the base ran out of power. He jumped at the opportunity, bringing in a lightning. After I had a small skirmish with him, the squad leader came back with his ANT, used it's boost to ram the lightning, I jumped into his basilisk and we managed to finally kill the stalker.
    In the end, the stalker never returned again. Our base got destroyed, not due to enemies, and especially not an annoying BR120, but due to neglect instead -- we went to do an alert without fully filling the silo and when we got back, the base had simply decayed.
    So yes, the ANT is overpowered: it's a half-sunderer with good maneuverability, good durability, a turret, the ability to dodge lock-ons and do heavy damage via ramming. It can also climb mountains, almost as well as the mag does, and set up bases in places where sunderers can't get to.

    In the end, you can still see sights like this (though you can bet they aren't full), but finding good people to squad up with has become quite troublesome. And we all know Planetside 2 is a chore alone.
    The people I was in a squad with were from an outfit, but one that only sparsely plays and only during weekends, so it's a bit of a disappointment.

    If anyone's up for some Planetside 2, ping me on Discord or Steam, so long as I'm not sleeping I'll probably join in.

    Wasn't someone (relatively) recently (about half a year ago) complaining about there not being any long posts on the forums anymore? @DARKTIDE!! you're welcome!

  13. Comments added :) The game is usually low popped during the day but does pick up from 6-7pm EST onwards. Thursdays seem to be pretty busy as there are a few outfits that run raids then from 8pm EST onwards.
  14. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    If only it were that simple... neither darklight flashlights nor abundant pain spires seemed to be able to catch him. Motion Sensors and Scout Radar requires the target to run and do not spot those sneaking. Every so often we'd see a blip appear on the minimap for a mere moment, but the infiltator would've already gone the 3 seconds later when we got there.
    As for the ANT's cloak, on full charge it can stay cloaked for more than 60 seconds at a time, even though that'd burn through all the stored cortium.

    Have you noticed any changes in the way magriders climb hills? So far I've been unable to get the mag to launch from a vertical wall like it did in the past.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  15. Gauron

    Gauron Veteran Star Citizen Member

  16. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    I don't think it's the same game. The way I heard it, it's a standalone thing, but one that will get it's software upgrades (like DX11) parallel with Planetside 2.

    I have no interest in battle royale, but I will stick with vanilla PS2 for at least a bit longer.
  17. Everythings gotta have a battle royal mode now days...