Bunch of people from BDO re-installed GW2 and even have some newbies for some casual fun as a side game from BDO. If anyone its putzing around and wants to check it out or see the new content @Cattitude is kind of heading this one up for the crew thats currently playing.
yeah come find me! Got a guild in game dont be a stranger!. We're running Fractals daily, doing the PVE conquest, and are gunna try and write tickets to Arena net to all get on the same server, so we can WvW! SO come pop down into the Gw2 TS channel always one of us in there. I've dropped BDO as my main game for now until things get better with it. So will almost always be in Gw2
They just made a guild since they didnt want to go through the legwork of hunting down who had it, not sure if Rune or someone is still holding it
Yitsi, I think. But, fair enough. Well, I might as well ask for an invite Who do I look for in-game? I'm Sirius.4510 - though I'm probably not going to move off Stormbluff Isle but WvW isn't the only game in town (I would like to get into Fractals, since you're doing that...). That and I'm pretty sure I've seen NSP grouped with SBI a few times so that could happen.
Yeah i think people were putting in a ticket to try and get moved together but people have toons scattered around. I will let them know on discord.
I don't know if you guys are still playing but I use to play alongside XoO in RF about 8 years or so ago. I mostly do PvE in GW2 so if you guys are looking for someone else to play with feel free to add me Ravik.1746
Last I checked Yitsi still had the guild and if need be I am pretty sure I could get it back from her. (That is if you guys have not done so.) I still play GW2 here and there but heavily casual anymore. As well I am over on BG and to lazy to pay to get a move back to SBI, but I have three accounts sitting on SBI for any WvW content for those of you that are still over there.
This has come and gone, but if there is a persona already out there with an XOO guild. I'm trying to consolidate all. So that I can have it ready and available for those that want to play and dickoff again.
I dont know why i could never get back into this again, it was a fun 6 months at release (minus some annoying things done by the devs)