I got an e-mail from stunlock about a game they are calling "Battlerite" Anyone else seen this or playing? https://www.battlerite.com/
yeah we were talking about this the other day, its more for smaller teams like 2v2 and 3v3 i think right?
yeah it is a 2v2 or 3v3. No minion or item, all skills are skillshot. Played for a while, it is ok. I think it is a great game if team with friends.
I was a huge fan of BLC. Did they stick to strictly TDM, or did they mix it up with some of the relic runs and conquest that they had for non-ranked play in the original? I wish they'd make a game with a z-axis and still keep the skill shot style of play.
Still tracking this one. https://www.battlerite.com/ I am considering buying early access since Albion sucks and Crowfall and COE still seem to be a long ways off. Anybody playing it?
There was a free weekend on it a while back. I wasn't too impressed with it. It was good for what it was tho. If you just wanted to smash heads with other people. Yet I felt it got old quickly, as well as it pushed for the matches to go 5 rounds by the sets of cards that you could get. It was a good dick off game but it would take a ton of serious time input to be really successful with it. I wonder if they balanced anything out yet.