Some Highlights: Faceware: Facial movement and head tracking with a regular webcam. 600i Teaser: Aurora remake: Idris KABOOM: Skydive and catch in cutlass attempt: (@4:25) Someone else's playlist of highlights from booth:
They actually did the release and catch later on successfully.
It was decent presentation, enjoyed it. However, I am not pleased with the time wasted on that facial recognition FLUFF. This is FLUFF that could be done at a later time. I would rather see more time and man-hours spent on core features, bug fixes.... just more work to make 3.0 release sooner. The in-game VOIP is nice to have though. I couldn't resist purchasing the 600i Explorer. They do good job making commercials ! Reminded me of watching a Lexus commercial, lol.... so I traded in my Vanguard, 2 add on's i had and my 20% coupon. Cost me $78.
I enjoyed the presentation. The Idris battle was great... but the more I see the game the more I realize that it's so far from being completed. They still can't get more than 15 players on a server. They have barely shown any of the different professions. Last weeks burn down jumped up to more bugs than they started with. This is brutal and cruel wah! Wish they'd just get 3.0 out the door and start patching it weekly with the new delta patcher. I'd be ok with a buggy start if I could get my hand on the game. Shit I expect a buggy start even with all these blockers fixed.
Was definitely a bit too optimistic thinking 2 years was a viable timeline. Put in $1k five years ago. S&P return for the last 5 years was 55%. Ah well, can't win them all. Wonder if despite the netcode issues they'll manage to get the single player out in the next 6 months. The Idris was a huge hurdle for that and it looks fleshed out.
They have been doing a ton of work on the netcode. I think the new netcode is targeted for 3.1 or 3.2. Here is a good video explaining what and how they are doing it.