So I made the clan official for us, just not sure how to send out invites with the sucky clan tools on the Bungie website. This should be a link to the clan: So try and join up there if you are able. EDIT: For now just set it to open to anyone. The only people who will find it are people who can see the link right here since clan searching is broken on their website, so this will be easy enough for XoO members to join and no one else for now.
Joined. Don't know how much beta I will be playing as I already put in a handful of hours but maybe we can get together one of the nights to fuck around in the strike and play some pvp.
Ya the beta is really short just like console. Can do all content on all 3 characters in 2-3 hours. Ill be on Tomorrow night from 8pm-10pm and again on Thursday night but thats all the time I can scrape together on a weekday. Would be nice for other players if they extended this one through the weekend as well, but too bad Im working all this weekend anyway