I'm old enough for WW2 eh? lol It's a top down military game. There are multiple maps, I think 6 of them at least. New servers pop up multiple times a day so you can always get in a newish game. Basically 2 factions are fighting for control of the map and victory. Maps can be up to 120 total players at a time. As a team you have to fortify your home base (spawn point), gather mats to build up broken down buildings to start crafting things like vehicles, med kits, weaponry buildings. You also transport these things to other critical points on the map to extend your territory. Eventually you can increase your tech to craft tanks and other stuff. It's a bit more in depth than the initial views on it. But the mechanics, and the flow of the game fit perfectly with the graphics and top down. http://www.foxholegame.com/
I've also been having a lot of fun with this one. There's a lot to do on both the building and combat sides of things.
I never played Planetside 2 but alot of people in Foxhole say that it's similar just with more building and crafting options
Alright so, I'm trying my hardest to get like 8-10 people in this damn game. I am going to start streaming the game when I play in hopes of people at least checking it out. https://www.twitch.tv/saintofmirren I streamed last night for a bit just messing around. The first hour I joined a late day 1 server and just grouped with a few guys to harass behind enemy lines. I did figure out about an hour in that my sound wasn't working so it's mute but still has some action in it. At the hour mark I found a brand new day 1 server fixed my sound and did some late night solo mission shit that turned out to be pretty fun. Bare with the first part as you have to get resources and a truck first but then it starts picking up with a nice little kill count before I logged off for the night. All I do is imagine what could be done with a solid 8 or 10 people! here's the vid from last night https://www.twitch.tv/videos/165054260
Sweet. Yeah it's still tons of fun and the largest organized group I could get together so far has been 3 people. Even with 3 we've been able to accomplish some cool shit before getting overran. Like I said, I'll try and stream it all night tonite and get into some different things like the building part, and the gun battles
It's one of those games that the war on the server ends when one faction controls all the maps townhalls. So if the majority of your faction goes to bed and the other faction just starts destroying and taking out townhalls, you could wake up the next day and that server has restarted or is not even up because the war ended and another server starts. Really there isn't enough individual things for you to worry about what you have or don't have. As a group you harvest mats, upgrade the buildings like vehicle depot or weapons manufacturer to be able to craft better tier stuff. Then you harvest the mats to craft those and stock pile them in your townhall so that anyone in the faction can just spawn or respawn at a townhall and withdraw whatever weapons or gear they need provided that specific townhall has been stocked with it. You as a player have limited weight you can carry, there are no individual storages, all storage boxes are public, however you can craft a truck to store things in and lock it. Otherwise if your faction fails to supply and stock the townhall, you got nothing.
Here's a follow up video from last nite. I hopped around servers waiting for a couple of friends to join, none did so I found this early start server and just had fun on it. Skip to about the 55 minute mark for some amusing fun just before the small arms gun fighting starts https://www.twitch.tv/videos/165251671