Picked this up and am enjoying the hell out of it. One of the better FPS experiences i have had in newer games, or even in the last few years. Even with the bugs and issues. Anyone else playing this one?
Honestly if your into shooter and tdm style games this is a fun one. Its tactical and strategy based also. Some people are turned off by the third person style, but I like it as it reminds me of my old Arma/ Day Z play. Plus for $30 its a darn good game for the price point. I'm surprised how pumped the game gets you when it gets close tot he end of a round.
Been watching it a fair amount on Twitch since one of the streamers I watch plays it. Seems like a fun game - if I didn't have a million other things to play I would likely try it out.
Hahahaha I play BDO but I play a few rounds of PUBG a day at least. Cant get over the fun i'm having in this game.
Looking for a steady 4th man for our squad, racked up 3 chicken dinners last night and two were back to back https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/212602675265667072/356980982223732746/win_2.PNG https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/212602675265667072/356980963210952724/win_1.PNG https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/222850156045926400/357012236192972801/win_3.PNG
add Doctorie...i have to sort a mic. liking the game..only had two goes at it so far..1st game 22nd ,2nd game i reached 3rd. I play Oceania server so that might be a problem for most.
seems like most of the servers have no issue, im on the xoo steam. ironjawxoo is my tag in pubg i believe my steam name is "headshotmemoreplz"