Are you at least 18 years of Age?: YesWhere did you hear about us?: New member of Black Desert group; saw you guys highlighted in one of the recent Crowfall newslettersPrevious Gaming Experience: I've been gaming for the last 25 years; played MMOs since Everquest.What is your time zone? (NA/EU/Oceanic): PacificWhat role will you take up in game?: Unsure yet; I have a shit-ton of EK stuff though, including an original large castle pack, a capital stronghold parcel, and tons of other stuff, and I'm a Ruby-level KS backer. I don't want any sort of leadership role, but I don't mind lending my assets to the guild.What is going to be your primary class? What will you be working on for Secondary classes?: Still unsure. Leaning towards confessor, but will most likely main as some sort of DPS. I always enjoy healing too, so I'll definitely have a healer secondary. I would tank, but I've always been shit at it.What Package have you purchased?: Ruby Kickstarter levelWhat is your Activity level weekly? (in hours): 20-40 hrs/wk, depending on the weekDo you have TS3 and a working mic?: yesIs there anything special you think we should know about?: I'm already in the Black Desert group (still fairly new), but I mainly wanted to join XoO for Crowfall and Star Citizen. For Crowfall, I'm already heavily invested monetarily in the game, and I want to be able to play with a group of people who can benefit from what I've already attained for this game. I'm a touch older than your average gamer; I do have kids, a job, and a life, so I can't be totally dedicated to the game, but I use gaming as my main form of entertainment and relaxation. I hate drama, and I can take a good ribbing. I've been hopping in the last couple playtests to start familiarizing myself with how Crowfall plays, and this weekend looks like a big test, so I figured I'd try to get in here now to see if others will be on.
A change in policy for recruitment has been established and we require new recruits to play with us for at least 2 playtest events. So if you can play twice this weekend you could be accepted. I will send you ts3 information so you can join us for this week's test.
Approved and moved to the approved section. Make sure to check "Leave no redirect and move these applications to the approved or denied sections." @DARKTIDE!! @Kyoji