Are you at least 18 years of Age?: Yes, 20.Where did you hear about us?: Been with XoO since 2014 and received an inbox about crowfallPrevious Gaming Experience: I have mainly played MMoRPGS, aslong as they have a competitive aspect to it ill play it. Some of which include: -WoW -Archeage -Guildwars 2 -Aura kingdom -FF Guilds: XoO ~ Archeage Origin ~ WoW Origin ~ Aura KingdomWhat is your time zone? (NA/EU/Oceanic): OceanicWhat role will you take up in game?: PvP / CraftingWhat is going to be your primary class? What will you be working on for Secondary classes?: I pretty much play any mage dps role, So most likely Frostweaver or confessorWhat Package have you purchased?: Contributor bundleWhat is your Activity level weekly? (in hours): i usually play for a minimum of 4-6 hours a dayDo you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes i have bothIs there anything special you think we should know about?: Only thing i have to say is i like to be on the winning team, and being in the archeage division proved that XoO is the place to be
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