WoW Bull's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Bull, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Bull

    Dec 12, 2016
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    What is your name, age, and battle tag?:
    Kyle, 24, Horibull#1329
    Tell us a bit about yourself.:
    Well my first name is Kyle. I am currently in the military (Have been in for 6 years)d and will be getting out within the next 6 months. I am mostly an outdoors person. I am into Hunting, Snowboarding, basketball, and all sports pretty much.
    What is your character's name?:
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    I am currently a Blood DK. I am willing to play Frost or Blood with this DK though. I also currently 7 110 characters, some of which I would be willing to swap to for raiding. 5/7 of those characters are 860 ilvl.
    Have you read what the expectations are for joining us?:
    Link your armory page.: (Please do not be alarmed for any wrong enchants/gems. I frequently swap between frost/blood. In the link I am in frost spec, if you notice I have 2 BiS legendaries for blood. I also have 1 legendary for frost spec. Also my blood weapon is 902 currently)
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?:
    Can your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?:
    Can you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?:
    As far as learning info about a class and rotations I usually just start with Icy-Veins for basic info. I will move to different forums online and will check out discord channels specific to those classes. Once I have learned the rotations for each character I move on to focusing DPS. For doing that I mostly use Simcraft for statweights. I also go to different forums to check out best trinkets, etc.

    I check out streamers as well if they main the class. Such as Slootbag for Tanks and hear his theories.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    I am a main Tank so far this xpac. I only have 1 dps log. For the 1 dps log please go to Frost spec/Normal kills and the only real kill I have done was on Normal Xavius with 377k dps.
    Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.:
    I know it's not with a raid boss, but I am short on time and trying to get this in. Blood: Frost:
    Recount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?:
    Quit after Cata, came back for Legion and plan on staying. Guild I am with currently <FROM THE CELL>

    I joined this guild at the start of the x-pac for progressive raiding. However we really only raid 1 night a week because only enough people show up for 1 raid night (This is just for normal Heroics not even Mythics). I am the only one in the Guild with 100% raid attendance not even the raid leaders can say this. I am also the ONLY one who does anything higher than a +10 Keystone every single week, even though I have offered to do carries on a depleted key.
    Summarize your raiding experience.:
    Minimal compared to most, but extremely knowledgeable. I raided as a Tank in Cata, but with Pubs I believe I did some Heroics back then but again it was all with pubs. I research every fight before it is released and am usually the one explaining it in my guild. Though I dont have much experience over a long period of time, I honestly feel my skill makes up for it. Though I am sure I have a lot of room to grow.
    What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?:
    I am honestly just looking to be in a core group for progressive raiding and I see a Guild that is actually moving forward that I have a core spot in. I always bring my own pots/flasks/food so i do not rely on anyone for anything. Being able to have a guild to do +12 every week with would also be a huge plus as of right now I have to pub them.

    If i do not have a core spot I would be very reluctant to joining. I am open to sitting for bosses etc. but not really open to sitting an entire raid.
    Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?:
    Negative, I found you guys through MMO-CHAMP forums and talked to Kullin and he pointed me here.
    Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?:
    Only thing I can say is if I get a spot I will excel at it. My guild doesnt log any raids and all my own logs were recorded by me. That being said since we only do Heroics I rarely use flasks/flood really anymore since I overgear it by a lot. Please dont take this as I don't use them. Also again with the 1 frost log I know its only a normal raid and I am unsure if even flasked or not, and I know for a fact that my gems/enchants were wrong. I Tank 99% of the time and I am very confident to keep 325k dps ST MINIMUM as frost Spec.

    Also whatever position I may possibly get I focus on. For example since I have mostly Tanked this xpac I have a Druid, Paladin, Monk, DH and obviously DK. Like I said i have 7 110's 5 of which are 860 ilvl.

    If in Tank position my mains I would like to main are : Warrior/DK
    DPS: Ret Paladin, Monk, Shaman.

    I am not huge into casters, but I do enjoy fire mage which I also have 110 of. I would much rather play a melee class though.

    That being said my 7 110's are: DH, DK, Druid, Shaman, mage, Monk, and Paladin.

    The Paladin, Monk, Druid, and Shaman are all 860 ilvl. While my main is 883 Equipped.

    If you guys are considering me, but are wary I would suggest to at least give me a shot at Heroic run with you guys and see if you like what you see or not.
  2. Bull

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Just wanted to add also that my current experience this xpac. I am 7/7H and 2/3H. Have never had enough people for Mythics and I have never attempted to pub it.
  3. Hamool

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Hey Bull!

    Thanks for taking the time to apply. I'm liking what I see so far as long as you are confident in your ability to perform at a mythic progression level. We are really looking for people who are consistent with attendance and performance so if you think that is you then I would like to set up an interview and potentially get you in for a trial raid. Let me know as soon as possible and we can get the process rolling.

    Kris likes this.
  4. Kris

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Like Boss said, thanks for the interest! I'm gonna add you on realID and try to get an interview time set up.

  5. Bull

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Ok, yeah that sounds good! I am pretty flexible so pretty much anytime after 4-4:30 Server time I am good to go.
    Kris likes this.
  6. Kris

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Accepted and on trial.