This is a better video, I'll leave the older one from 2014 just so you can see the progress. Anyone have this on their radar or is this basically replaced by Albion?
Been keeping my eye on this one. To be honest, I would certainly give it a go if it hit open beta/launch 2017 before Crowfall/CU got going. Don't think I would drop any pre-order money on it mind you. The concept is well enough proven to work; MOBA combat is fun and exciting. Just need to make a good gameworld around it which is always the hardest part of an MMO.
I might not be the best person to check this one out, I just wanted to post about it since I just found it.
It'd be awesome to know how far the development on this has come from someone who already playtested. Checked out more here: Full Loot, OW PvP, Friendly Fire, 100% Skillshot, 0 grind. Looks like the kind of game that could be awesome from a little indy house.
Ya, I was thinking this might end up being a game basically designed for XoO. You know what, I change my mind, I'll delve deep into The Exiled and see if it's the full package or just a failed moba attempt. If it can use the 'mmo' aspect of it intelligently then I'll play it long term with XoO, and if I go into it I wouldn't mind helping run the division if I have help. I don't even care if I'm the leader, CO, XO, officer, don't care, whatever's needed.
Ok so sieges, this is important because how sieges work will really determine how the game will eventually play out. Sieges are split up into 7 stages, stage 1 is the Offering stage, essentially you craft a 'war offering' and give it to the hermit and he puts down a control flag. Stage 2 starts right after the first flag drops and lasts 1 hour, any clan can participate, even the defenders, and this determines if the offering is successful. As long as someone other then the base owners own the flag at the end of the hour then the siege offering is successful and you move to stage 3. Stage 3 is a 24 hour break after stage 2, stage 4 is the 'Challenge' stage and what happens is 3 flags spawn outside the base and anyone can fight over those flags, it lasts 1 hour and whoever owns 2/3 of the flags at the end is the 'attacker'. If the defender owns 2+ flags or no single clan owns 2+ flags then the siege ends. Stage 5 is where the important stuff starts happening, this is where the defender can set the time of the attack. Let me copy and paste the exact wording so there's no doubt. 5th Phase: Preparation After a successful Challenge Phase it is now up to the settlement’s owner to decide on when the deciding battle over the settlement willl happen. In the next two days the defender has to pick a time that has to be during the server’s prime time and that has to be between 2 to 4 days from now. If no time is picked during the time window, the siege will default to the first available time slot. So the siege can't be set for 4am when everyone is asleep and it has to be scheduled within 4 days after stage 4, so between 3-5 days after the initial 'offering' was made. Stage 6 is the siege, the walls and gates will have hp, looks like 60,000 hp for walls and 30,000 hp for the gates and they can be attacked and healed. 5 control flags also spawn and 3 of them are inside the walls while 2 are outside, the attacking and defending clans both gain a new stat called morale which drops at 1 morale per second per flag they do not own. So let's say the siege is 3v2 the whole time, defender has 3 interior flag and the attacker never breaches the walls and controls both flags outside, so the defender would lose 2 morale per second while the attacker loses 3 morale per second, 6000/3=2000 seconds. 2000 seconds is 33.33 minutes, so it looks like the sieges are supposed to last between 15-45 minutes roughly. What it doesn't state is if anyone can participate and not just those two clans, I'm thinking you could ally with other clans and end up having massive wars for settlements. Stage 7 is just the transfer of power, it doesn't state if broken walls get rebuilt or if you need to rebuild them yourself.
I want to add some more info on the world generation and such. Essentially each world has a finite length and it ends in a massive event, the devs plan on having about 2k players per world and are hoping for a 10% concurrent rate, so 10-40ish players online at any given time on each world. So this means we could have a good solid force with 50-100 total division members.
Interesting game. I am waiting to see where it goes. I think Crowfall and other games are much further along.