What is your name, age, and battle tag?: Nathan 21 Ownpay#1401Tell us a bit about yourself.: I'm a nursing student attending college. I'm hoping to join a consistent raiding guild and have a good time.What is your character's name?: OwnpayWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Balance Druid or Marksmanship HunterHave you read what the expectations are for joining us?: YesLink your armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gnomeregan/Ownpay/simple and http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/illidan/Ownpay/simpleDo you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?: YesCan your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?: YesCan you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?: I'm part of class specific discord groups that do a lot of theory crafting, small tips, and a lot of number crunching. To improve my damage on specific fights and in general I use worldoflogs to compare what I do to players at the top.Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.: Haven't done a raid yet this expansion.Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.: https://i.gyazo.com/f039b418f891f1cf4b59fac14534151d.jpgRecount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?: Dissention - WoD - RL/GM left to join the strongest guild on the server and the guild stopped raiding. WotLK - People stopped showing up because we had H LK 25 on clear, gm disbanded guild.Summarize your raiding experience.: I was in a top 3 guild on my server for Nax - Ulduar, #2 guild on A52 for ICC. Heroic pugs for most other things while I played.What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?: I want to clear top level content with people enjoyable to raid with.Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?: PalebeastAny final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?: I learn fights/mechanics fast, so I hope you at least give me a chance. Thanks.
Hello Ownpay, thanks for the application. We could likely find a place for you as a hunter right now. We are however slightly heavy on leather wearers right now and also have a couple other apps as druids so your druid would be harder to fit in if that is the class you really want to main. But we can talk about that over a short interview sometime this week if you are interested.