What is your name, age, and battle tag?: Blake, 28, RochTell us a bit about yourself.: Been in the guild since BC as a raider, unable to raid because of my job and it being unfair to get gear over others.What is your character's name?: RochWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Shaman/EnhancementHave you read what the expectations are for joining us?: YesLink your armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Roch/simpleDo you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?: YesCan your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?: YesCan you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?: I used to use elitist jerks, but since I quit raiding I have fallen out of the best places to gather information. Been watching alot of fatboss videos and icyveins.Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.: No recent files.Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.: Will be updating UI upon new mod selection.Recount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?: Xen Of Onslaught, quit because my work times would change every 3 months + deployments 6 months at a time would be unfair to other raiders.Summarize your raiding experience.: Been raiding since original WoW, quit when cata came out but came back for DW kills with Gorchild, quit again for panda and WoD due to work.What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?: Enjoyable time pushing my skillsDo you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?: NoneAny final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?: None