Are you over 18?: YesDo you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesWhat previous gaming experience do you have?: I have played games since the original Nintendo released, and have maintained constant play on all platforms except Xbox. My primary games of choice are MMO's, RPG's and FPS's. My main focus of late are in Battlefield 4, Black Desert and Witcher 3. I have played almost every MMO since FFXI.What is your time zone?: PSTWhat times are you regularly able to play?: From 9:30 PST to whenever I logoff which is usually around 2-4am PST. I do play when I have a chance outside of this regular schedule.Do you have a member referral?: Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?: I prefer PvE since I have yet to find a consistent group of players who can learn to do well in PVP. I do love to PVP when I find groups that I can play with regularly and are well rounded players, though usually short lived.Where did you hear about us?: BDO Forums post.Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?: I play many games and enjoy playing with regular groups of players. XoO appears to be a group of consistent and dedicated multi-gaming players who I seem to be able to fit in with best. I'm mainly looking for a place to call home without constantly jumping around a bunch of failed guilds.What is your in-game name?: BDO Family name is TrueHaremKing, main character name is YukiNomu
I apologize for the second application post. The first stopped loading without a confirmation and tried to resubmit before seeing the forum posts. I'm currently at school, I'll be home and log into TS3 around 9:30 PST tonight.